Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's in me to give...

Mr. B and I have a theory (it's a little joke really) that the Canadian Blood Services employees aren't really medical professionals but rather vampires. You see, since I started donating blood this summer they are stalking me like prey. Seriously.

I get at least one letter every month, sometimes two, as well as repeated phone calls to book my next donation even though I already had one booked. I'm not sure if they contact other people so much, or if it's just me. I'm guessing that it's people like me who are blessed with a rare blood type. I often find myself looking over my shoulder when I hear footsteps behind me wondering if that person is packing a needle, tube, and bag.

This week, I received another letter. This time I've been asked to register for the stem cell matching program (formerly known as the bone marrow transplant registry). At first, I tucked the letter and flyer neatly back in the envelope and thought nothing more of it. Then, I awoke one night to find myself all nestled warm in my bed with my slumbering protector on the floor beside me (Django, not Mr. B) and realized that there could very well be someone out there barely asleep in a sterile, bright, uncomfortable hospital room who might be suffering. Someone who might not be snug and cozy, or safe and warm. Someone that maybe, just maybe my freaky blood type and I could help. Someone who might just as easily help me if the roles were reversed.

Is that a crazy, optimistic view of humanity? Maybe, but I'd like to think not. I'd like to think that, God forbid, if I or a member of my family needed help from someone else in the form of a genetic gift, that someone would be there to offer it freely. I believe that when you do things, whether they be bad or good, the same comes back to you. For that reason, I tend to choose good. :)

All that said, I have signed up on the website and I encourage anyone who reads this to at least visit their website and educate yourself. You never know when you'll need the same service in return. Also, if you ever wanted to be a superhero this is your chance. I know that if you donated stem cells and saved my life, you sure would be MY hero.

In fact, I might even be inclined to sew you a cape.

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